Jim Aguila

Jim Aguila PicJim Aguila, Chief of Program Planning and Management, California Air Resources Board

Jim is the Chief of the Program Planning and Management Branch within the California Air Resources Board. In his role, Jim oversees both climate change and transportation fuels related programs. His group implements the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MRR), which requires annual reporting for over 700 facilities, as well as verification of MRR reports. Jim also oversees various fuels related programs including the implementation of alternative fuel specifications, development of multimedia evaluations for transportation fuels, and the technical evaluation of fuel-borne verified diesel emission control strategies.

Currently, Jim’s group is developing a comprehensive verification program for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) to ensure the use of high quality data to substantiate greenhouse gas emission reduction claims, and to enhance the integrity of LCFS credits. For this effort, Jim works closely with the Transportation Fuels Branch staff, who are primarily responsible for implementation of the LCFS.