Hon. Kevin de León

KDL-Portrait-High-ResCalifornia Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León

Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), serves as President pro Tempore of the California State Senate. He is the first Latino elected to the position in over 130 years.

Senator de León is focused on building a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable economy for the Golden State. He’s working to make college more accessible and affordable, combat climate change while building the clean energy economy, improve retirement security for low-income workers, and support California’s growing diverse communities.

His legislation has created the most ambitious renewable energy goals in the nation, the first-of-its-kind retirement-savings program for low-income workers, and has required a quarter of all cap-and-trade revenue be spent in disadvantage communities.

He has an extensive record on women’s rights, gun-violence prevention, and worker’s rights. He has led the fight in the Legislature to combat homelessness and to provide opportunities and protections to our immigrant residents.

Senator de León served four years in the Assembly before being elected to the Senate in 2010. Before the Legislature, he taught citizenship courses to immigrants and led opposition to 1994’s anti-immigrant Proposition 187. Senator de León credits his immigrant mother as his inspiration to help build a brighter future for generations to come.